Monthly Archives: December 2014

2014 Summary: Highlights and Recommended Apps

This week we ring in the New Year. We hope 2015 will bring good tidings for all, including in the world of technology for people with disabilities. A Look Back at the Tech of 2014

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Posted in Accessibility, Apple, Apps

Appy Times during the Holidays! iPad Activities for Family Fun

Winter has arrived and holiday season is quickly approaching. For some, this conjures up images of roasting chestnuts, warm cozy nights by the fire, and mugs of hot chocolate. For many families, though, this time also brings many hours cooped

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Posted in Apps, iPad activities for the holidays, participation

Another Wall Comes Down – Accessibility Conference in Berlin

25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall and wall comes down – Apple Accessibility Summit, November 6-7, 2014   Last month, Berlin celebrated 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.  We had the privilege to observe

Posted in Accessibility, Apple, Assistive Touch, VoiceOver


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