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Toy Workshop: Making simple battery operated toys switch accessible – anyone can!

This week, at Beit Issie Shapiro, a small group of occupational therapists and speech therapists from the day programs gathered in the library to “play” in a workshop led by Frank Marciano, engineer, maker, father to a child with disabilities,

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iOS 10 – What’s new in Accessibility

If you work with children or adults with disabilities and haven’t yet updated to iOS 10, then you are missing out on some great new additions to the operating system and to accessibility settings. Among the most significant additions are

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Digital Books Make it Inclusive!

Books and reading have a significant impact on the cognitive, emotional, and language development of all children. Children love to listen to stories, often even the same one over and over again. They also love to flip through the pages

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Not all Touches are Alike: Exploring the use of Touch Accommodations (iOS 9)

Touch Accommodations were introduced to Accessibility Settings as part of the iOS 9 update. For those of us working with people with disabilities, this is one of the most important advances in accessibility features since the introduction of switch control.

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Posted in Accessibility

IssieBoard: A Virtual Keyboard with customizable options. A Collaboration between Beit Issie Shapiro and SAP Labs Israel.

IssieBoard  is a new app that came out of the very fruitful collaboration between The Technology Consulting Center of Beit Issie Shapiro and SAP Labs Israel. Typing on a virtual keyboard can be challenging for many users and therefore when

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Posted in Accessibility, Apps

TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) – Meeting the Challenge

TOM – Tikkun Olam Makers, an initiative of the Reut Institute and ROI Community of the Shusterman Foundation, whose purpose is to connect people with disabilities with people from the worlds of industry, engineering, design, technology, and rehabilitation in order

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Not Just Fingertips – Styluses for Tablets

There are many accessories available on the market to use with iPads and tablets. A stylus (a pen that can be used on a touchscreen instead of a fingertip) can be a very useful accessory when using a tablet and

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Keeping your iPad Safe From Wandering Fingers: Guided Access and Other Important Features

The iPad’s touch interface and intuitive design have proven to be simple to master among children, with and without disabilities. And though the touch interface has opened up a whole new world for people with disabilities, this new found ability

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Comparing iPad cases: How to choose the right one for your needs?

One of the most common questions we get when consulting with parents and professionals about using an iPad for their child is “What is the best case to buy?” In our opinion the case is an essential accessory and is

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APPlicable – Making apps accessible for all

As professionals who work with children with disabilities one of our goals is facilitating integration into community life. Practising new skills can only take one so far.  True integration in community life for people with disabilities can only occur if bigger

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