Monthly Archives: January 2015

APPlicable – Making apps accessible for all

As professionals who work with children with disabilities one of our goals is facilitating integration into community life. Practising new skills can only take one so far.  True integration in community life for people with disabilities can only occur if bigger

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Posted in Accessibility, Apps, Technology Consulting Center Tagged with: , , ,

Wizzybug – The Path to AUTOnomy

This week we’re taking a look at technology of a different sort, thanks to Ely and his family. Ely is a wonderful boy and his family is truly inspirational. We invited Laura and Frank Marciano to share their story… By:

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Posted in Accessories

Our Top AAC Apps

The year has only just begun and already the good news for people with disabilities is pouring in. Change is in the air, and this time it comes from Israel. Finally, after years of lobbying the government, communication devices have

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Posted in AAC, Accessibility, Apps Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

2015: Resolutions and Wish List for the New Year

It’s that time of year again. Time to look at the year ahead and set new goals; new achievements that we’d like to strive for, in our personal and professional lives. As we discussed in our last post, 2014 brought

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Posted in Accessibility, Accessories, Apple, Apps


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