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iOS 11 has Arrived!

A new dock and control center, screen recording, a new files app… these are just a few of the new features introduced in iOS 11. Before we outline some of the new features, it is important to note that, as

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A Greeting Card for the New Year

This year, one of the things we did in class to prepare for Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, was to create greeting cards for the students’ families. The activity was very successful, but before I tell you about it,

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Posted in Holiday activities

Welcome Back to School

As school begins, emotions are at a high (the butterflies in our stomachs are opening their wings), and teachers have been very busy getting ready – organizing, decorating, and planning the year ahead; planning for a year full of learning,

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Posted in Ideas for Activiies

Toy Workshop: Making simple battery operated toys switch accessible – anyone can!

This week, at Beit Issie Shapiro, a small group of occupational therapists and speech therapists from the day programs gathered in the library to “play” in a workshop led by Frank Marciano, engineer, maker, father to a child with disabilities,

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Mainstream Technologies for People with Disabilities: Impressions and Highlights from David Banes’ visit to Beit Issie Shapiro

This week we were honored to host David Banes at Beit Issie Shapiro. David is known internationally for his work in assistive technology (AT) and he shared with us his wealth of insight and valuable experience. David started his career

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Apple Classroom

Apple Classroom is an app designed to help the teacher guide and direct students in their learning by allowing the teacher control over the other iPads in the classroom. Through the app, located on the teacher’s iPad, the teacher can

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Using Switches with iPad

We are often asked about using switches with the iPad, so in this post, we will review the technical details of connecting switches to the iPad and also different ways they can be used. Switches can be an excellent way

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2Talk – a new app for new AAC users

We are very happy to introduce you to 2Talk, a new app for creating communication boards. The app is intended for users who are just beginning their journey into the world of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and need opportunities

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The Passover Haggadah: something for everyone

Next week, Jewish people around the word will celebrate the holiday of Passover. In this post we wanted to share various Haggadas with you that we have created or found to improve participation of all family members in the Passover

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Costume Make-a-thon

Last week, Beit Issie Shapiro hosted a costume make-a-thon.  The hall was a bustle of creativity and joy. 30 children and youth with disabilities that use mobility devices, and their families, came and worked together with student volunteers from the

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Posted in Ideas for Activiies


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