Thursday, September 24, 2015

Taming the Tower of Babel – Making an institution-wide transition to a uniform symbol set for communication

By: Racheli Blum

For many years at Beit Issie Shapiro, a large organization that provides many services including early intervention and school based programs for children with special needs, we used Boardmaker symbols to create communication boards, both for low and high tech

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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Back to School: Ideas for the Start of the Year

By: Racheli Blum

The start of the new school year is always full of emotion; a mix of excitement and apprehension. It’s a time of change and renewal that can often stimulate feelings of anxiety in our students related to the unfamiliar and

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Monday, August 10, 2015

Headpod: Head Support to Promote Participation, Learning, and Motor Control

By: Anat Lahav, M.Sc. P.T., physical therapist specializing in rehabilitation and child development

I’m very happy to be a contributor this week and to share with you a wonderful tool that both facilitates and promotes function; the Headpod. The Headpod is a low-tech device that can be attached to a variety of seating/standing

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Posted in Accessories, Assistive Technology Tagged with: , , ,
Monday, July 27, 2015

“Unity & Diversity in Action”: Summary of Technology Sessions

The Beit Issie Shapiro International Conference on Disabilities, “Unity & Diversity in Action”, which took place from July7-8, 2015 at the Dan Panorama Hotel in Tel Aviv, was exciting and inspiring. There were hundreds of participants coming from 25 different

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

SnapType for Occupational Therapy: Making it a snap to fill in worksheets

By Dana Cappel

Written classroom assignments are often a challenge for children with disabilities. Something as simple as struggling to hold a pencil correctly can greatly impact a child’s motivation and success in completing homework. For students with more significant limitations, such as

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Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Not Just Fingertips – Styluses for Tablets

By: Noa Nitzan

There are many accessories available on the market to use with iPads and tablets. A stylus (a pen that can be used on a touchscreen instead of a fingertip) can be a very useful accessory when using a tablet and

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Posted in Accessibility, Accessories Tagged with: ,
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

App Review: Thinkrolls – by Avokiddo

By: Dana Cappel

As an OT that works with people with both motor disabilities and cognitive and intellectual disabilities, I find it a challenge to find leisure apps that provide age appropriate content yet are simple enough for independent play. Popular game apps

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 6th International Conference on Disabilities

For all our followers… Coming up in July is Beit Issie’s International Conference. Held every four years, this event is a unique opportunity for academic, medical and community professionals, researchers, policy makers, service providers, people with disabilities, and family members

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Posted in disabilities, Events Tagged with: ,
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Our Top Recommended Multi-Player Games

By: Noa Nitzan

Contrary to what you may initially think, the tablet can actually be a wonderful tool for encouraging social play. Every game can be used to encourage social play even if it is intended for only one player. The game is

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Posted in Apps, Multi-player games Tagged with: , , , , , , ,
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Great Holiday Apps for Easter and Passover

By: Dana Cappel and Rachel Blum

After what seems like a winter that lasted forever, Spring is finally in the air! It is a time of new beginnings and starting fresh, but it is also a time of holiday tradition. Both Passover and Easter arrive with

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Posted in Apps, Holiday activities Tagged with: , , ,


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