For children with disabilities and their families the effects of Corona are devastating.

Isolated at home, with no school, treatments or routine, every day is a struggle.  Parents are doing their best, but the full burden of care and treatment now falls entirely on them.

These children can’t come to us. We have to go to them.

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Virtual Home Visits by Beit Issie’s teachers, therapists and social workers are familiar faces providing urgent emotional and practical support.

Virtual Special Education Kindergarten and School provide accessible learning and play for all children with disabilities, helping them not fall behind and keeping them active.

Emergency Hotline in Hebrew, Arabic and English provides urgent emotional support and practical guidance for people with disabilities and their families in Israel and worldwide, helping them confront distress and violence stemming from isolation and anxiety.

We are truly blessed to be at Beit Issie Shapiro. This is true for normal times, and in particular in times like this.” Ziv Azmanov, father of Rhea who attends Beit Issie Shapiro’s Special Education School.

To hear from the Azmanovs about how Beit Issie is helping them get through this crisis, click here.

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