There are a great many ways that you can contribute to the development of Beit Issie Shapiro’s services for people with disabilities. We greatly appreciate your gift and any other ways that you would like to become involved in helping us.
Join the Swedish friends in supporting Beit Issie Shapiro by:
* Signing up for our newsletter. Please contact
* Participating in an upcoming event
* Sharing your Bar or Bat Mitzvah- click here
* Making a gift! – click here
If you would like to become involved in the Swedish Friends or would just like to find out more about our work please email us at:
Donate today!
For information on how to make a donation to Fredslogen-BIS, please contact:
Mrs. Teresia Neter-Castaño
Fleminggatan 40 E
S-112 33 Stockholm
Tel. +46 (0)8 6507848
Your donation will help improve the lives of people with disabilities in Israel and beyond.